Goal Settings in New Year

A few weeks ago, Digital Spy published an article on the most popular New Year’s resolutions of 2013. Here is what the top ten looked like:

 1. Read more books

 2. Save more money

 3. Lose weight

 4. Redecorate

 5. Take better photos

 6. Go traveling

 7. Sell old unwanted stuff on eBay

 8. Buy a tablet

 9. Organize photos

 10. Do something for charity

At Grey Matter Marketing, we pride ourselves on being goal orientated in our business. We follow the Four Disciplines of Execution which was created by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling. The premise is that each week you focus on one Wildly Important Goal also known as a WIG which will help avoid the focus trap that happens when you try to meet too many goals at once.

"Focusing on one wildly important goal is like punching one finger through a sheet of paper–all your strength goes into making that hole.”

– Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling

As a team, we discussed our New Year’s resolutions and decided that we wanted to beat the odds this year and succeed with completing our goals. And I must share, some team members refused to acknowledge their personal goals at the start of the New Year as a New Year’s resolution insisting they never make them. In any case, whether it is a New Year’s resolution or a personal goal you have set for yourself at any time of the year, how can we succeed with that one BIG goal we make and get the results we want?

An informal survey amongst co-workers, friends and on our business facebook page revealed that the majority of us did make a New Year’s resolution. Furthermore, the top ten listed above were the top answers, with saving money and losing weight being the most popular choices. How about breaking your resolution down into smaller goals and setting a timeline to complete each of them and treating each of these smaller goals as your WIG each week? So instead of losing 20 pounds in 2013, how about lose 3 pounds in January, another 2 in February etc. Setting smaller, obtainable goals that comprise your overall goal is the way to success. Rocket science? No. But goal-setting at the New Year needs a makeover so that the statistics of keeping up with your resolution for the entire year becomes a reality. The odds are against us with many of us giving up on our resolutions even before the end of January!

A timely article just came out in Fast Company that took a different approach with regards to achieving your New Year’s goals. How about making your New Year’s resolution be to help someone else achieve their goal? Now that is something to ponder…..

Tell us, what is your New Year’s resolution? Are you still on track with your goal? Do you follow a plan such as the Four Disciplines of Execution like we do?